Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The End of a Musical Era

Friday night marked the final choir concert of my high school career. It was truly bittersweet. I was happy about how far I have come, vocally, and excited for the experiences ahead of me, but it finally hit me that it was my last time singing with my choir family. There are so many people I have been singing with for years and our journey is finally coming to an end. I am the person I am today because of the relationships I have with my choir friends. It is hard to believe that after 4 years, 15 concerts, and 3 choir dresses, my time with them is over.

I am part of both the A Cappella and Jazz Madrigal choirs at my school. Jazz Mad performed first in the concert and A Cappella performed at the very end. I managed to keep my emotions under control throughout the Senior Speeches (short words of wisdom from seniors before our final concert of the year) and Jazz Mad's performance. By the time A Cappella finished the second of our three songs, however, I completely lost it. Our last song was entitled "It Takes a Whole Village." It talked about how it takes many people to raise one child. The whole time we were singing, all I could think about was how many people have been involved in raising me. I cried through the entire song. I realized how grateful I am for the time I have had in choir. It has truly been a blessing in my life. Choir has made me the person I am today and I am going to miss it so much in college.

xoxo Delaney

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